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Possibly the best days AIRSOFT in northants,beds& bucks

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Hi guys here we have a opportunity to be one of the first players to experience how good we are. We at Skirmish Central have been a paintball site for 27 years and pride our selves on the quality and management of our wood and the high level of care that goes into it. Also the facility's that we offer flushing toilets hot food covered safe area etc.

In truth we have held back from the world of AIRSOFT as we wanted to get it right as we have tested the water at other venues and felt that they left a lot to be desired in both the way they where run and the quality of the day, so we have now decided that we have got it right and are ready.

So if you fancy playing in a well developed site boasting a nice village set in a forest,a ww2 style arena with bunkers, trenches and woods,storming and holding the Normandy bridge these are just a few of the scenarios that we have planed for the day in question.......info below


The day itself 18th DEC


Role call 9.30 for a 10.30 start

Lunch. 1.00 ( for lunch we offer burgers,hot-dogs & pizza plus soup etc )

Finish. 3.30






The price. £15. Inc 2 smokes ( 90 sec burn )


This will be a total awesome day not to be missed places are limited so book now


01933 314 805

07595 311 485

07860 313 239

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