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Need help with making custom JG Fal top cover


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Not sure if this was the right topic to post in, if not please let me know.


So I've got a JG fal and I want to give it the more classic look by removing the rail system for classic sleek look, here are some comparison images:




I'm currently looking at modelling and printing a replacement part for the upper but there's an issue, when you take off the top rail there is a bunch of tabs where you screw in the top rail and these get in the way of the design choice I had in mind (which was for the part to just slide in like the real fal, though it may not have worked as the blowback system is also in the way). Here is a couple of photos of the tabs:




Another issue as well is the complexity of the shape, as it needs to go in a certain way and aren't aligned in the same way like the rest of the fal body and I'm also concerned that It could mess 

with the blowback system if parts are touching. 


So what I would like to ask is does anyone have any ideas on how to make a part that doesn't show/need screws and is as accurate as possible to the version shown? I know I'm being really picky but I'd really like to only resort to screws if there are no other options.


I have had ideas like a pincer system that connects in the holes or even some kind of slide on thing, or some kind of cover for the screws but nothing solid yet.


I'd be grateful for any ideas.

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I'd suggest leaving the mounting piece in place and then look to make the new cover with some flex and internal nubs with matc the mounting points for the stock cover.


It'll be a snap type fit and you can give the nubs the same size, position and depth of the screws so they shouldn't interfere with the working of the replica.

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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