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Custom pattern on a gun

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It's probably a dumb question but I can't find anything online about the legality of this and I don't wanna take chances.


Would it be legal to buy a bb/airsoft gun or whatever and then paint it with a custom pattern? I don't want to bring it to an airsoft field or wave it around it public like an idiot so would this be ok?


I recently watched a video from the Swedish youtuber anomaly in which his dad paints an airsoft ak-47 to look like the fire serpent from csgo https://prnt.sc/qzntrc

But obviously he's from Sweden so the laws are different, in the UK would I be able to buy a gun that resembles the usp-s from csgo and paint it to have a cyrex/orion skin on it?

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Hi, thank you for your honesty, but this is a forum for airsofters, not "whatever", so all I'm going to do is to link you to the law on imitation firearms:




Best of luck, and please, please don't wave it around in public, not on Friday night, not at Hallowe'en, not to make a YouTube video.

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