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Police recovered a AEP during home search

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13 minutes ago, Uncle Pauly said:

‘Kin ‘ell, that’s all we need 🙄

Not necessarily


Extremist found with thing that looks like a gun.  Not the most astounding news.


He neither represents over two million Muslims in the UK nor thousands of airsofters.


Don’t knee jerk in anticipation of a knee jerk


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Sure that's an AEP?  The magwell is smaller than a gas pistol, but bigger than typical AEP mags.  The CYMA "hicapa" has a fake magazine bottom on it.


Could that be a springer?

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25 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Sure that's an AEP?  The magwell is smaller than a gas pistol, but bigger than typical AEP mags.  The CYMA "hicapa" has a fake magazine bottom on it.


Could that be a springer?

good spot looks like this 



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20 hours ago, Tommikka said:

Not necessarily


Extremist found with thing that looks like a gun.  Not the most astounding news.


He neither represents over two million Muslims in the UK nor thousands of airsofters.


Don’t knee jerk in anticipation of a knee jerk



True 👍

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