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Discord server for airsofters around Suffolk

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Hello people


Me and a couple of friends have created a discord server for airsofters in or around suffolk 


We would love input from others so please feel free to join via the link below 


The server isnt 100% complete and will always have upcoming minor changes and your input is needed 


Its kind of like using this forum but with the server we created you can jump into voice chats with airsoft techies (once enough join) , share your loadouts , lots of different options available on the server


Join Here



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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
56 minutes ago, proffrink said:

but we have our own dead discord

Removing/changing the bot actions that record every new thread being started could improve things I think. It clogs each channel up and hides any crumb of discussion people might make.



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  • Root Admin
3 hours ago, DrAlexanderTobacco said:

Removing/changing the bot actions that record every new thread being started could improve things I think. It clogs each channel up and hides any crumb of discussion people might make.



Might just have it spam all into one channel. This was suggested when we started it but wanted to try another way - I agree it can get annoying.


Then again, I'm not sure if it's going to solve much. I've seen many dead airsoft Discords.


2 hours ago, SuffolkSpartans said:

ah i didn't even realize , anyway this one is mainly for airsofters in or around Suffolk

Don't worry, you're welcome to promote yours here too :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

not sulfolk but have a question, have any of you tried using it as a replacement for in game coms using voice server? cheaper than getting a com system if can put phone in sfe pouch if site has suitable signal... 

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