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Mark 4 Osprey Vest

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Hey guys, I am looking into buying a Mark 4 Osprey off of eBay, do any of you currently run one in your gear setup? If so can you post pictures so I can get a look with the mag pouches etc. Thanking you ❤️ 

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I don't run it any more, but here's my setup. Just exchange the Mk6 for a Mk7 and add on a battle belt and that's pretty much how I have it setup today. Sorry for low res - couldn't find a higher one. Plenty of images online if you need reference pictures. I just placed things where they felt comfortable.  



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I acquired a mk 4 Osprey as part of a job lot I got with an AEG. Ridiculously heavy and cumbersome. Perfect for the real world with ballistic plates to stop you from being plugged but a waste of time in Airsoft. There are way better solutions out there that won't mean you drown in your own sweat. I ended up giving mine away to an airsoft field (I did keep the original issue pouches though as they are bullet proof).

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8 hours ago, RobHedley said:

I acquired a mk 4 Osprey as part of a job lot I got with an AEG. Ridiculously heavy and cumbersome. Perfect for the real world with ballistic plates to stop you from being plugged but a waste of time in Airsoft. There are way better solutions out there that won't mean you drown in your own sweat. I ended up giving mine away to an airsoft field (I did keep the original issue pouches though as they are bullet proof).


19 hours ago, Gepard said:

I don't run it any more, but here's my setup. Just exchange the Mk6 for a Mk7 and add on a battle belt and that's pretty much how I have it setup today. Sorry for low res - couldn't find a higher one. Plenty of images online if you need reference pictures. I just placed things where they felt comfortable.  




Thanks for the replies, I am guessing any form of plating soft or hard can be removed to bring down the weight though? I like the look of the setup @Gepard similar to how I would like my kit to look. :) 

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People only buy these for airsoft who've never handled one before.  The ones you'll see for sale already lack any sort of armour (soft kevlar or hard plates), but the actual armour carrying vest itself still weighs a fuck ton, is massively excessively bulky, hot, inflexible and all around awful.  If you want to look brit military of the specific era when the Mk4 was worn sure it's the only way, it'll still suck of course.

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12 hours ago, TheFull9 said:

People only buy these for airsoft who've never handled one before.  The ones you'll see for sale already lack any sort of armour (soft kevlar or hard plates), but the actual armour carrying vest itself still weighs a fuck ton, is massively excessively bulky, hot, inflexible and all around awful.  If you want to look brit military of the specific era when the Mk4 was worn sure it's the only way, it'll still suck of course.


This. Unless you're going the full monty and are trying to replicate an infantry loadout I'd just stay clear of it. The mk4 is really not comfortable for airsoft and the reason I very rarely take it out beyond milsim days - even then I prefer something else.

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15 hours ago, josh200025 said:

Thanks for the replies, I am guessing any form of plating soft or hard can be removed to bring down the weight though? I like the look of the setup @Gepard similar to how I would like my kit to look. :) 


I was talking about it without plates. As @TheFull9 and @Gepard have also said this things is HEAVY without the plates. Being no wicking material as well it is hotter than the sun to wear as well. But if you want that look then it is the only option.

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If you don't put some kind of (fake) armour inside it looks like a baggy shapeless oddity. You can use floor foam (cut to shape) to give it impression of armour - and it's more than enough armour in terms of airsoft... lol :lol:


I used to run one with real soft armour, it's overkill (but fun). It makes it fairly heavy, with no armour it's not heavy IMHO - just looks a bit rubbish and doesn't hold it's shape especially when you attach and load pouches. I never tried hard plates as that's just crazy talk.

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4 hours ago, Immortal said:

with no armour it's not heavy IMHO


I don't disagree with that in general, but comparatively it is heavy i.e. within the realms of other modern armour/plate carriers.


Being the remf I am I never wore mine much when I was away and even adding in training courses when I wore it more I still only have a few dozen hours in the mk4.  Admittedly my time wearing it in the heat with the full compliment of soft armour, 4 plates and other kit have biased me more against it, but the objective comparison of the mk4 versus any JPC clone or truly modern equivalent is pretty clear when it comes to most major attributes that relate to comfort.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mk4 vest with cummerbund


2x osprey mag pouches

Templar Molle pistol holster

3x osprey pistol mag pouches

Osprey Admin panel

Osprey Single sling point on the left shoulder


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