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Enemy at the gates Outfit

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A field near me had a halloween shoot, safe to say I went for the best costume I could find on Amazon to attend the shoot. I present to you this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01JPOO29Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Use your imagination for the vest, boots and helmet included.

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3 minutes ago, josh200025 said:

A field near me had a halloween shoot, safe to say I went for the best costume I could find on Amazon to attend the shoot. I present to you this - https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01JPOO29Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Use your imagination for the vest, boots and helmet included.

Looks nothing like the Russian sniper

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The quilted jacket is called a telogreika, but at a glance you're not going to find any at cheap surplus prices - they're into the repro/collector's market now.


I'd be firing up the sewing machine, but that's my solution to most things that can't be welded or riveted.

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1 minute ago, Rogerborg said:

The quilted jacket is called a telogreika, but at a glance you're not going to find any at cheap surplus prices - they're into the repro/collector's market now.


I'd be firing up the sewing machine, but that's my solution to most things that can't be welded or riveted.

Thanks, I’ll probably buy bits over the course of a year in that case as I’m not the best at textiles beyond patching holes

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The cape is called a plash palatka - excuse spelling - fairly easy to get hold of.

You can get hold of gas/spring Mosin Nagants at airsofttiger111hk but expect to pay and they aren't very good unless heavily modded.  I had one that I modded myself and it was a PITA.  

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7 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

The cape is called a palash palatka - excuse spelling - fairly easy to get hold of.

You can get hold of gas/spring Mosin Nagants at airsofttiger111hk but expect to pay and they aren't very good unless heavily modded.  I had one that I modded myself and it was a PITA.  

The rifle is lowest on my list for pretty much the reason you stated I can always use my M40A5 for now 

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2 minutes ago, AmberYooToob said:

The rifle is lowest on my list for pretty much the reason you stated I can always use my M4A5 for now 

I think a Sherman tank might be a little OP for airsoft!

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1 hour ago, Davegolf said:


@Rogerborg just because you're firing it up doesn't make a sewing machine manly :D


A sewing machine is not necessarily girly

(I can’t work one)

But I was previously a member of the now defunct tactical tailor group.

99% of projects were far beyond me, but I can operate a needle and thread.


...... It may or may not be worth noting that on the release of a new army badge a number of years ago CGS (big man head squaddie) declared the release did not include tax payers funding for tailoring (certain badge entitlements include a tailoring allowance) as “sewing is a basic military skill”

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58 minutes ago, Davegolf said:


Ive always said carbon fibre is knitting for men!! 😂


it's funny how these things go, modern "tailored fibre placement" is basically just manly embroidery :P

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