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Western Arms

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Hi, anyone know of anywhere please with a stock of anything Western Arms at all please? Thanks.

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3 minutes ago, Archer said:

What is it that you are looking for ?




Ideal world, a Beretta M1934, but to be honest, I just miss seeing WA stock that is actually in stock on a website!

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LMAO - yeah, I can understand that completely ( I have two SVI's and mags and they are kept hidden 🙂 )


Rare as the proverbial rocking horse pooh, not much in the UK if at all these days. 


Stuff shows up on the HK sites and if you're feeling brave the Yahoo Auctions in Japan.


And the odd UK seller pops up now and again.


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1 minute ago, Archer said:

LMAO - yeah, I can understand that completely ( I have two SVI's and mags and they are kept hidden 🙂 )


Rare as the proverbial rocking horse pooh, not much in the UK if at all these days. 


Stuff shows up on the HK sites and if you're feeling brave the Yahoo Auctions in Japan.


And the odd UK seller pops up now and again.



Yeah, they are few and far between alright.

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1935 for you.




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