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Vfc fnx45

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honestly dude, looing at the mag prices and with hands on experience of both systems I'd suggest moving to TM.

My mates Cybergnu/VFC FNX was nice but 1) consistency wasn't great, 2) height over bore is a thing for a reason, 3) Cybergun are literally THE FUCKING WORST (and French), 4) BuT mEtAl SlIdE only goes so far in covering other failures.

My bog standard tm FNX is a beast compared to a lot of pistols I've owned including custom builds, co2 powereds etc. I would probably describe it as the best OOTB pistol I've played with. with 3 mags, a torch,and a dialled in RDS I had a fucking whale of a time at UCAP redemption recently, to the point I binned off using both a marui 416C and a very cut down/CQB specialised MWS build in favour of it. 


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12 minutes ago, hunter511 said:

Lots of positive things about the TM FNX that I completely agree with

I wouldn’t use another pistol now for competition, awesome bit of kit out of the box.


Here’s mine



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