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High rof build

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So after my last post I finally sorted out my gear box in my g and g fire hawk. My question this time is it possible to use a dsg with 13:1 gears I just want a stupid high rof if so what spring and motor would I need aslong as it is about 280fps I’ll be happy

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24 minutes ago, Joe.red111 said:

So after my last post I finally sorted out my gear box in my g and g fire hawk. My question this time is it possible to use a dsg with 13:1 gears I just want a stupid high rof if so what spring and motor would I need aslong as it is about 280fps I’ll be happy


DSG's builds are pretty hard to get right and be reliable.  It's not something I recommend to anyone who isn't proficient in gb builds.  If you only have just the 1 AEG wait till you have a 2nd that you can use as a backup.  If you do want to improve ROF you can make simple adjustments like AOE, better shimming, high speed motor, 11.1v battery.  Be warned speed enhancements have a knock on affect to other parts of your gearbox, timing, PME etc

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^what he said.


i've long since given up on speed chasing, yes there's minor advantages like the ability to punch through hedges, but you don't need stupid rof to acheive that. it just ends up wasting ammo which regardless of cost is a pain in the ass to be constantly reloading. not to mention to get an aeg up to that standard is going to be a pain in the ass (moreso than selling your soul to the hpa gods).


if you want a better semi auto trigger response then you'd be better off with a titan and precocking.

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