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Gate Titan mosfet issues

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I had my gate Titan mosfet installed and it works perfectly, my issue comes when I use the programming card I seem to loose a lot of functions 



1 of the trigger sensitivity 

the fire selector

precooking boost 

burst mode

rof control 

rof stab 



I connected the battery to the card and then the gun to the card and tried it on separate batteries but still nothing

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13 minutes ago, Joe.red111 said:

No I have the programming card


Not quite what he asked. What exactly did you buy? If it was the drop in module and the programming card you will only have the Basic firmware installed. To use the other functions you will need to download and install the Advanced firmware which is an extra cost. You will also need the USB Link to connect the mosfet to either your PC or your smartphone.

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I understand now so I need to buy the usb link and the software then I’ll be able to change those other settings. Aeg isn’t my my thing usually I’m more of a sniper person, my friend had sold me the mosfet for a stupid low price still in original packaging as he brought it for a gun that broke a few days after so he ended up getting a scorpion evo and sold me the mosfet for £25 

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1 hour ago, Joe.red111 said:

I understand now so I need to buy the usb link and the software then I’ll be able to change those other settings. Aeg isn’t my my thing usually I’m more of a sniper person, my friend had sold me the mosfet for a stupid low price still in original packaging as he brought it for a gun that broke a few days after so he ended up getting a scorpion evo and sold me the mosfet for £25 


Gate Control Station is a free PC download/app for smartphone. You pay for the firmware upgrade and yes you'll need the USB link and a suitable USB cable (if you're using your phone then a standard charging cable will work fine). https://www.airsoftzone.co.uk/titan-usb-link-for-gate-control-station-gate-electronics.html

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