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Can't connect remote line to tippmann

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Another problem


Got this remote line https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4500psi-Paintball-Microbore-Air-Fill-Station-Charging-Adaptor-42-Line-Hose/123462649872?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649


Taken then ASA adapter off, trying to connect the female QD to my Tippmann. The clip doesn't want to go back into place and lock. Practically shat myself when I gassed up the gun and sent the line flying into my face. 


Any advice? Do I have a subtly wrong sized QD? Or just crap Chinese tolerances? 

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Step away from the dodgy Hong Kong air line


I once bought a microbore from Hong Kong, as soon as I put my eyes on it I decided the wise choice was to dump it.


The problem is probably tolerances, and even if it does fit I wouldn’t trust the ASA materials for wear on the nipple etc


If you want to try it again then pull back the retention sleeve on the socket, firmly connect, release the retention sleeve and make sure it locks.  Pull back on the plug to ensure it is firmly fitted


But ideally take it as a life lesson and buy a new remote line from a reputable U.K. dealer










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I would agree with Tommikka. I had a similair cheap line ages back which i got rid of, but kept the asa adapter part. I've just tried fitting my lines to the asa and even they wont fit for the same reasons...they wont lock back into place.

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