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Ammo weights for stock MB03

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 I Just ordered an MB03to try sniping, I'll be looking to upgrade it if I get on with it but I'd like to play a few games before I sink any money into it and see what needs improving first.


I know the standard advice is heavy .4+ gramme bbs for powerful c500fps guns, but does that hold for standard guns (from what I have found it should be shooting 400fps ish)

Minimum engagement distance at the site is 30m if thats influencial.

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.4's should be fine for this. If in doubt go for .36's. 


My Dmr's fire at 400-450 and I used anything from .30's if I feel cheap to .4's if feeling flush. 


My stock MB09 which uses pretty much the same parts could lift .4's. 

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I'm not expecting much, that's why I've gone with such a cheap gun. I want to make sure I even want to use a sniper rifle before I put any real money down.

The MB03 seemed to offer a decent platform for Improvement at reasonable costs as I do like to fettle.



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Well it's not going to be totally stock when I first use it, barrel alignment is absolute gash so I got some barrel spacers ordered. When I take it out I'll look at the hop unit as I've heard of uneven hop arms causing swerving off.


really not looking to put any more cash in yet or i'd probably just drop a Hop unit and barrel in it. the trouble is where does it end? just being left with the original reciever I suppose lol.

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25 minutes ago, Monkeywrencher said:

Well it's not going to be totally stock when I first use it, barrel alignment is absolute gash so I got some barrel spacers ordered. When I take it out I'll look at the hop unit as I've heard of uneven hop arms causing swerving off.


really not looking to put any more cash in yet or i'd probably just drop a Hop unit and barrel in it. the trouble is where does it end? just being left with the original reciever I suppose lol.


Get the AA hop unit. Barrel, New bucking, and a spring to get to your desired FPS. Use it until the Sears in the trigger box breaks and then upgrade everything else. 

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