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Hey, ALL! 👋

If like me your finding it difficult to find certain Western guns, I can recommend this site as it sells the KTW Spring M1873 Winchester Carbine & many more versions! Who would of thought so in Finland.... 👍


click on the UK flag, translates.

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When I bought it, one came in the tube and one spare in the box, so you get two in total. Both hold 38-40 bb’s, looking for spares that’s a tough one, unless anyone else knows? I tend to just use one, so the other is a spare! Hope this helps. 👍

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May be worth adding a link to the website for those who cannot (be bothered to) Google it.


Is this the same site as Pro Airsoft Supplies?

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Fair enough. Click on the UK flag, translates! 👍



I got advice from a friend on this Forum, to stay away from Pro Airsoft Supplies, shady results! 😵

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