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Rifle/SMG using Glock gas mags

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Hi all


Since I have quite a few glock gas mags I was wondering if there are any other platforms (rifle or smg) I could use them in. In real steel I know that there are quite a few but how about airsoft? 



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You can get a few carbine conversion kits for Glocks. SRU make a few. The FPG uses Glock mags because its essentially a Glock inside. 

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I build one "grip/conversion" and used APS carbine kit as well but it is still glock with its short barrel inside. That's why I am wondering it there is anything purpusfuly built available on the market like ruger or m4 or mpx style of gun using g mags. 

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Apart from the above it's only really been the electric realm doing this so far.  G&G are/will be doing a pistol where you can swap the slide for an entire carbine kit type deal, no idea on mag type though.


Closest equivalent I can think of right now would be the KJW 10/22, rifle size gun with pistol sized magazines.  You need a much smaller and lighter bolt for an airsoft GBB to work with pistol mags versus the gas capacity of rifle sized mags in a GBB AR.  I suppose if you break it down the issue is people either want an 'experience' or they want performance.  GBB M4s can offer some of the former, AEGs the latter, a gas pistol mag carbine won't have either the recoil experience of GBBRs or the performance (consistency, cold resistance, high capacity) of an electric gun.

My personal experience has been that some TM gas pistols in standard pistol format shoot further and more accurately than a lot of the low budget/poorly maintained AEGs on any given field and obviously the pistol is tiny by comparison.  I tried a pistol carbine kit once with a 1911 inside and a normal 1911 on my hip, ended up just using the normal handgun.  The FPS is already around 320 with propane and what little range/accuracy you might gain with a much longer barrel can be negligible, whereas you might lose a fair bit in terms of moving fast in tight spaces.  Also if you're limited to that small mag capacity then at least you have maximum manoeuvrability with the pistol. 

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