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Modified Mk23 bb weight and FPS do you get?

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So I upgraded my TM Mk23 with a 150mm crazy jet barrel, flamingo 50 degree hop, hadron H key and tdc. I bought .40g bbs as I thought my .48g I use for my sniper would be to much even if I could hop them I thought they would be dead slow. I used it today and it was great so at lunch break I loaded a mag of .48g bbs to see if it would hop them to my surprise once I adjusted the hop they were firing straight and further than the .40g and didn’t seem noticeably slower. When I got home I chronoed the .40g and was getting around 240 FPS I then tried the .48g and was getting around 220 FPS I was really surprised there was only 20 FPS difference. I was using green gas.

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10 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

For once, Airsoft Physics agrees with mundane physics!




Your wrong though, everybody knows marui physics isnt the same as off-brand clone physics.

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On my clone around 295fps with 0.30g longbow, got similar mods to you.

Not sure how long my barrel is but it sticks out a good 5mm from the pistol.

Honestly I prefer 0.25g, as the speed catches them out and I still get decent enough accuracy.

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