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Upgrading my mb03

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Im thinking about continueing my project on my well mb03, its been sitting for a good while on my wall so i cant remember what i did to upgrade it but i got a 70m with a spread of about 50 cm so i guess its in a decent shape.

Im thinking about these upgrades.

-PPS CNC Zero Trigger VSR

-Big Dragon WELL MB03 510mm 

AirsoftPro Stealcylinder TM AWS 

Action Army Hop Up Chamber VSR-10

im not sure about spring guide and what spring i should get, and am i forgetting something? im not really on a thight budget so any suggestions should be fine!

Thank you in advance.

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Guest Yukarin

That cylinder isn't for WELL MB03, its for the TM AWS. Get a full AirsoftPro cylinder set and trigger box set for WELL MB03. AA hop chamber is fine, but that barrel is likely trash. Go for a Maple Leaf CrazyJet VSR barrel, Autobot 60 degree bucking and a Maple Leaf Omega nub.

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