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Squad PC

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Hey guys have any of you checked out squad on pc? It's currently in early access but looks very polished and has a very positive score on steam. It's a milsim shooter much like escape from tarkov with an emphasis on squad based communication. My question is if you have played it then would you recommend it and if you haven't are you going to now? 



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Latest patch improved performance quite a bit for me. Used to be lucky to hold 30fps but now I'm up in the high 90s. 


Good, solid game - though not for everyone. Like Arma it's sort of a niche genre and whether you have a good time or not is entirely dependant on your team. If you get a shit SL then it can ruin your first impressions and make you want to refund before seeing what makes Squad so great.

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your SL/squad make or break the game.


I have over a 1000 hours in this game and I can still  hate it if I have a shitty SL but love it if I get a good one.

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