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Looking for informed insights on different brands of Kriss Vector

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I am looking to get a Kriss Vector as I think they look a little different from the derth of M4s and AKs. I am hoping to get some contrasting views on the quality of the vectors named below.


From what I can tell, there are 3 companies that make Vectors (although they are not all licenced so they are not all called 'vectors'):

- Krytac (Kriss Vector and limited edition Kriss Vector)

- A&K 'Mod 1'

- Ares 'G2'


Does anyone have any experience of owning/living with one or more of these rifs, or know anything of them? Specificailly I am looking for (in priority order):


1) Reliability/durability.

2) Performance (specifically range/accuracy, and to a lesser extent rate of fire).

3) Quality of the rif design (eg, is there enough room for the battery, do the selectors work well/feel well made, are the parts (internal/external) high quality).


Thanks in advance for your thoughts :)


- Sharpe


Edit: I know some of these can be hard to get hold of - let's assume for all intents and purposes I can get equal access to any of them and the mags/spares etc for them. 

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The A&K is absolute trash in comparison. There is nothing better about the design, reliability, performance and it's much heavier. 



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I’ve owned at least one of all of them, and loads of KWA Vectors.


In order of coolness:






In order of parts availability and compatibility:






In order of Skirmish-ability:






In order of fun factor:






In summary, get a Krytac, hands down the easiest to live with and best performer. Unless you love gas guns, then get a KWA.

The ARES has zero parts, inaccurate receivers, no support, no mags available

The A&K has inaccurate receivers, extremely heavy.



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Listen too bert , he does have a ‘wee’ bit of knowledge on the subject .😉


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