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Best most reliable G18c type pistol.

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Here is the two side by side.. WE plastic is more matte but it’s less rigid than the TM.



the TM is trademarked, more gas efficient, more accurate out of the box, more range out of the box and put together nicer. That’s why the WE is in the parts bin and my TM lives in my holster. 


I run mostly TM. Not because I’m a fanboy. I always hated those types of people. I run them because I’ve probably spent over £7k on airsoft guns since I’ve started. Electric, gas, the lot. Every brand you can think of and others long forgotten. TM’s are just better performers. Sure they’re not perfect. I wish they were like VFC or G&P externally, but I play to get kills and win. I’ll take function over form any day of the week. 

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18 minutes ago, Wo1f said:

but I play to get kills and win. I’ll take function over form any day of the week. 

^^THIS^^ 100%


I have probably fired and taken apart more guns than a lot of airsofters have even heard of and the simple fact as much as don't subscribe to the TM fairy dust bullshit is the fact they do just perform and are very reliable.


The most important thing with any gun is you pull the trigger a bb leaves and goes as accurate as possible to the target and TMs have always done that.


Yes any brand of gun can be upgraded

and end up working really well but by then it is no longer a TM, WE, G&G or whatever so comparing manufacturers and then bringing in upgrades is pointless.


If it isn't then by that value the best AEG ever made is the ICS Sig 552. 

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7 hours ago, Wo1f said:

  I’ll take function over form any day of the week. 


But for the same money you can have both, that was partly my point. 

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55 minutes ago, E21A said:


But for the same money you can have both, that was partly my point. 

No because the reliability is still missing. 

If you are one of the lucky ones whose WE keeps working then you are right but far too many people have issues for them to really be recommended over TM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/03/2019 at 17:40, Nick G said:

My WE G18c with Maple Leaf hop and crazy jet is an awesome performer. I run it on red gas all year round and have had no issues with it.

+1 on this. I'm running exactly the same setup and it's absolutely golden. 

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