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How crappy or not are jg plastic bodies?

Nicky blue eyes
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Long story short my battered old metal bodied jg m4 is monstrous heavy and quite frankly i want to lighten it a bit.  I've seen  a few places stock the plastic jg receivers but I dont want to buy somthing that is complete dog poo. Dose anyone have any experiance of the plastic ones?

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Not as strong as a polymer body (like you get on a G33/evo/etc) I wouldn’t say it’s inferior to any other plastic body’s really , just as creaky as the rest of them !

I’ve got an old TM M4 and a new JG M16 and there’s no difference between them that I can see . 

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Be careful - some of the plastic JG M4 receivers had a two piece hop unit

like TM, older SRC's - with or without the loops on matching top receiver

some of SRC and/or SRC cheapy Dragon's varied with loops or without

(& metal or plastic gearbox - ignore this bit of trivia but stuff varied)


What I'm saying is that your metal JG probably has the std one piece hop

but look carefully at the JG plastic reciver - might have extra plastic where hop goes

(eg: originally for a ye olde two-piece hop unit)

So you might have to carefully dremel or hack away to fit your one piece hop in there....




If you want something heavy - try a D-Boys 416/614 clone - now THAT is a heavy bastid


anyway - check & compare what you got/buying and if you need a bit more modding for ya hop unit etc....

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Trouble with that is this is my tinkereing toy. Its been ripped apart more than an Adam Sandler film at the Razzies. My teching skills are getting better but I'm still learning, In good conscience I couldn't sell it to some other mug...I mean player. Lol

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What model gun is it?

The reason I ask is most of the time when a gun feels heavy, it's not the weight that's the issue. It's the balance.

Shoulder it, and take your hand off the front. If you have to fight the front end then it's not the body at fault, it's weight ahead of the body and pistol grip.

A well-balanced gun should have a very slight forwards bias, but it should be correctable by the friction at your shoulder.

A badly balanced gun is like trying to hold a stick with a bottle of water at the end. As soon as it gets any momentum you have to wrestle it back, and that's where the fatigue comes from.

Reducing body weight without correcting the balance will probably make it worse, not better.


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^ this is very sound advice, often times balance>overall weight when it comes to something easy to handle.


Quite common these days with the whole "needz moar railz" approach to guns.


Mate of mine has an ak with godawful balance, lovely gun and not that heavy overall but feels worse than my equivalent weight aksu because of the balance.

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I didn't even realise that could be an issue. I will have a look tommorow now, as for the model its a front wired m4 I'm afraid thats all I know.

2 hours ago, koppel said:

add speedholes

add light ness.jpg

If swiss cheese made carbines!

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10 minutes ago, Nicky blue eyes said:

I didn't even realise that could be an issue. I will have a look tommorow now, as for the model its a front wired m4 I'm afraid thats all I know.


yeah, i tend to rear wire my guns where possible, if it has a big chunky rail on it might want to consider swapping it out for something lighter while you're at it, either a polymer handguard or a light aluminium rail (think lvoa style) works out quite nicely.


also might be worth looking at accessories with a critical eye, things like bipods/peq boxes/torches/grenade launchers etc look cool and in the right scenario can be invaluable, but if they aren't getting used then no point lugging them around.

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Front wired m4's, in general, have horrible handling.

If it has a buffer tube you can use that to your advantage without needing to modify or rewire anything.

Check the dimensions of the buffer tube, you should either be able to fit M10 or M12 nuts in. And a bolt/threaded bar to hold it all together.




With that, you can balance the gun a bit better and check to see if it is a balance issue, or if you do indeed need to find lighter parts. 

I think balancing will surprise you.

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Just chucking my two penneth worth in but my new Golden eagle(JG really)M16A2 has absolutely lovely balance to it , get it nice and tight in to the shoulder and I can comfortably hold it by just the pistol grip . 

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6 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Just chucking my two penneth worth in but my new Golden eagle(JG really)M16A2 has absolutely lovely balance to it , get it nice and tight in to the shoulder and I can comfortably hold it by just the pistol grip . 


the m16 in general is just a well proportioned rifle, stoner knew his stuff.


the stock especially i like as it's just simple and the right length, so nice i still run one even though the polarstar easily accomodates any buffer tube style stock i like (including the RS magpul one that came with the gun) you're never faffing around trying to remember what length you like it set at and it doesn't get in the way of ear defenders.

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Looks like I'm  going to have a busy night or two. I'm hoping it is a balance issue. Thank you for the advice with the hex nuts any advice that means I don't have to take the bugger apart again is good for me.

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13 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Just chucking my two penneth worth in but my new Golden eagle(JG really)M16A2 has absolutely lovely balance to it , get it nice and tight in to the shoulder and I can comfortably hold it by just the pistol grip . 

Given how many top of the range aegs you have, I was curious why you bought a Golden Eagle M16.


You are obviously happy with it, so I wonder how many of the cheaper Chinese brands you think are excellent value. I know the Cyma AKs get good reviews, as does their MP5 (seldom available in the UK these days) and of course the JG G36c has legendary status. I note that barring TM, just about all Augs are made by JG too. Is the cheaper stuff gradually getting better?

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27 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:

Given how many top of the range aegs you have, I was curious why you bought a Golden Eagle M16.


You are obviously happy with it, so I wonder how many of the cheaper Chinese brands you think are excellent value. I know the Cyma AKs get good reviews, as does their MP5 (seldom available in the UK these days) and of course the JG G36c has legendary status. I note that barring TM, just about all Augs are made by JG too. Is the cheaper stuff gradually getting better?


i think it's a mixed bag, some of their products can be trash but some are really rather decent.


my wee jg aksu is a belter of a gun and aside from the selector lever being a bit spongy it's a bloody demon to shoot.

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1 hour ago, emilianoksa said:

Given how many top of the range aegs you have, I was curious why you bought a Golden Eagle M16.


You are obviously happy with it, so I wonder how many of the cheaper Chinese brands you think are excellent value. I know the Cyma AKs get good reviews, as does their MP5 (seldom available in the UK these days) and of course the JG G36c has legendary status. I note that barring TM, just about all Augs are made by JG too. Is the cheaper stuff gradually getting better?

I’ll be honest a lot of my buys are aesthetically driven , I’m not adverse to dropping a lot of beer tokens on a gun (if I can of course) but a LOT of the time it’s the looks that matter to me , take the evo for instance by all accounts an awsome gun but I’ll never ever have one as I really don’t like it’s look . So as my style of play is 95% single shot with the odd burst of auto now and again as long as I can sort the range and accuracy(and new hop rubber and nub sorts that most of the time) then it’s not that much of a biggy on the rate of fire/general running of a gun to me . I don’t buy in to the whole trigger response/rate of fire/mosfet debate that’s always raging so again not important to me . Over the yrs I’ve had a few Jing Gong guns and none of them have ever let me down at all so I’m a fan of them . 

I’d say yes some of the ‘cheaper’ brands are definitely stepping up there game to compete with the big boys .

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I think the likes of the g&g raiders have forced the cheaper brands to up their games. Also the likes of valken, (dare I say it?)nuprol and specna arms into the begginer markets are giving people plenty of options for cheapish guns that aren't total crap. As for jg. Judgeing by what I've seen on you tube the Americans seem to love them

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I forgot to mention!

When you pick up your nuts and bolts grab some electrical insulation tape.

When you have the correct balance and know the number of nuts on the bar a few wraps of the tape will give you something to shim and hold the weight in the buffer tube.

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On 06/03/2019 at 15:04, Druid799 said:

I’ll be honest a lot of my buys are aesthetically driven , I’m not adverse to dropping a lot of beer tokens on a gun (if I can of course) but a LOT of the time it’s the looks that matter to me , take the evo for instance by all accounts an awsome gun but I’ll never ever have one as I really don’t like it’s look . So as my style of play is 95% single shot with the odd burst of auto now and again as long as I can sort the range and accuracy(and new hop rubber and nub sorts that most of the time) then it’s not that much of a biggy on the rate of fire/general running of a gun to me . I don’t buy in to the whole trigger response/rate of fire/mosfet debate that’s always raging so again not important to me . Over the yrs I’ve had a few Jing Gong guns and none of them have ever let me down at all so I’m a fan of them . 

I’d say yes some of the ‘cheaper’ brands are definitely stepping up there game to compete with the big boys .

Thanks for the reply.


Yes, in the end, it's ultimately about looks for me too.

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