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Cheaper tactical gear

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I have been looking at some MFH and Pentagon assault vests on the web. I think MFH is a German company and Pentagon is either German or Polish.


They seem to be very reasonably priced (especially MFH)  and I wondered how people would rate them in terms of materials and stitching. Will they bear pistol mag pouches without sagging? Are they good enough for once a month airsoft use, or is it better to save up for the likes of Tactical Tailor or 5.11? Are they better made than Viper or Miltech or about the same quality?


We all like nice stuff, but I am just an occasional airsofter and don't feel I can justify the cost of the real gear.

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Pentagon is apparently pretty good.


See also: Hazard4 and TBH, TMC these days.

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Pentagon is like Helikon-Tex, they make good stuff at a reasonable price :) they have a line of interesting jackets and a kind of copy of the Haley flatpack which is really nice.


MFH is you average low cost brand, ok for casual use, definitely not good when put through their paces..

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