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Accessorising help for my pistol.

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Hey guys, I am looking to buy some accessories for my pistol (Cybergun 40f) but as I’m new to airsoft, my knowledge isn’t great at all.


I want to buy some gear to help me address some issues I’m having.


firstly is lighting. As I only play cqb atm, there are parts of the playing area where the lighting is very low or even none at all and I’m having trouble locating enemy players and objectives. So I’d like a light source, however my gun doesn’t have a rail and the only one I have found that will attach to my gun has a 22mm width rail. So from there I have looked at pistol torches and as far as in can tell, all of them attach to 20mm rails.


next is ammunition. I only have one mag which holds 38 bb’s, so I’m having to rent a rifle and leave it at my spawn in case my mag doesn’t last the game (which is 9 games out of 10). So I have searched for more mags but I can’t find the same one as mine. All I have found is a 25 rnd mag for £28.45. Is that expensive for a mag?


and finally somewhere to keep the spare mags would be needed. Do universal pouches hold most mags?




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A 20mm attachment should fit fine on a 22 mm rail. 


A magazine for my sidearm (WE G19) runs me about £25. 


I use the Osprey MK IV pistol pouches and they fit fine. 

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I was under the impression that the description of the accessories would say fits a 22mm. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I will still post links before I buy as I don’t want to be purchasing the wrong stuff.


also is there a reason I can only find standard magazines for this gun and not more extended mags like the one that came with the gun?




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Get a couple of standard mags. They are more expensive than let's say an AEG mag, but they're also a bit more complex to produce, hence the cost.


£28 for a gbb magazine is fine, just google how much a kwa g19 mag costs and you'll get an idea.


22mm rail is the standard picatinny, accessories should fit fine.

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Cheers guys


So just doing this for clarification:


this is the closest I can find to my gun...


except this is the later version with an aluminium slide rather than the plastic one mine has.


and this is the rail mount I have found...



just want a second opinion that it’s the correct one before I purchase






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@BigAl these are the magazines I was looking for, however the postage is pretty steep. It’s would have came out at £80 just for 2 mags and shipping, then I’m guessing additional charges will be out of for importing? 




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Okay so I have finalised my options for mags...


there are the extended one BigAl found form Hong Kong http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p26631/KWC-40-rounds-CO2-Long-Magazine-for-SW40F-CO2-Pistol/product_info.html


and normal mags from the UK https://www.milspecsolutions.co.uk/kwc-cybergun-sw40-sigma-co2-magazine.html


I took both websites to PayPal checkout to see the exact prices for 2 more mags.


extended mags came to £82.46

normal mags came to £61.95


so from that I would actually prefer to go with the extended mags as they are cheaper overall. But like I said as they are coming from Hong Kong, would I get hit with other charges?







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1 hour ago, Dread said:

Okay so I have finalised my options for mags...


there are the extended one BigAl found form Hong Kong http://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p26631/KWC-40-rounds-CO2-Long-Magazine-for-SW40F-CO2-Pistol/product_info.html


and normal mags from the UK https://www.milspecsolutions.co.uk/kwc-cybergun-sw40-sigma-co2-magazine.html


I took both websites to PayPal checkout to see the exact prices for 2 more mags.


extended mags came to £82.46

normal mags came to £61.95


so from that I would actually prefer to go with the extended mags as they are cheaper overall. But like I said as they are coming from Hong Kong, would I get hit with other charges?







under the law there would be taxes to pay on an import of that value but you may get away with it impossible to say but expect to add on 20% plus royal mail handling fees 

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£20.00 + more likely royal mail fees are 12 or 13 quid.

I only buy outside the EU if its going to be cheaper even with the fees or it's not available. i'd personally just get 3 25 round mags from milspect it will be roughly the same price as importing an you'll get a warranty. 

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Hey again guys,

My rail and magazine got delivered today... was so excited to get home from work and test them out. Loaded a mag up and inserted it into the gun, went in and fitted perfectly. Outside I went to fire the gun and bang... the back of the slide just blew completely off3FC737DD-B5B4-4D14-8652-24861041E37E.thumb.jpeg.84e0040c50d4e50d88a5eed3f4c5be87.jpeg


I don’t understand how using a different mag would have caused this to happen?


so now I’m left with 3 mags, a rail and a bust gun. What would be my best option here. Do I buy the new sigma Sw40f that comes with a metal slide and an extended mag or do I take a loss and buy a different pistol where parts are more available?




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