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6.01mm vs 6.03mm inner barrel - advice please

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Hi all,


As a sniping noob, but generally out of interest as well, which is better for accuracy and range, and an increase in fps (as close to 500 fps as possible) for single action sniper rifles, specifically a Silverback SRS-A1 (26 inch barrel) and a WELL L96?


Also, for future reference, for a 309mm a 400mm inners barrel for the SRS-A1, which bores (6.03mm or 6.01mm would be advisable to push both of these shorter barrel lengths to close to 500 fps with decent accuracy?


Many Thanks



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It's the quality that matters, not the bore or the length.

I almost said 6.03 because it's more forgiving for bad BBs but as a sniper you must go for the best quality BBs anyway, so it doesn't matter.

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