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Thoughts on the new KA 9mm SBR?

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As some of you may have seen King Arms has released their new 9mm SBR. This has gotten several people excited as the is finally a SIG MPX-lookalike on the market. It is priced around that of an entry-level gun ($168.00 on a few Asian sites, and recently announced here in the US at $230) so I do not expect much in the way of quality, but I am hoping the externals are decent enough to last at least. As with most of my KAs, Ill probably get one for the uniqueness of the gun, tear all the internals out, and stick something better in it, which will be easy due to the v2 gearbox. Interestingly enough a small shop near me is supposed to get them in stock any day now (first in the US AFAIK) so Ill probably pick one up.


So what are ya'll's thoughts on it?

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It looks nothing like an MPX to me...


To be honest I'm not that impressed overall.

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2 minutes ago, Lozart said:

It looks nothing like an MPX to me...


To be honest I'm not that impressed overall.


Eh its close enough for me. To be honest I just like the fact we finally have a flared magwell. I'd have to say its kinda like a cross between a MP5 and an AR, which is basically what the MPX is. And while I would like the SIG-style 9mm magazine, I have to agree with their choice to make it compatible with existing MP5 mags.


Image result for mpx


Image result for king arms 9mm sbr

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