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Vote AFUK as Best Online Community - Player's Choice Awards?

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Okay, this might be a little bit gimmicky for some, but Popular Airsoft run the Player's Choice Awards each year. Ultimately it's where players vote for their favourites in 25 categories and the winning nominees get a trophy and recognition towards doing something positive for the community/industry.

Well, the nomination stage just opened and is valid for 1 month...I wonder can we get AFUK into the Finals? The category specifically I'm thinking is Best Online Community.

I also wrote a Blog post about the awards, outline the categories and explain why I feel it's important to the Airsoft Industry. Next week I'm going to put up my 2019 Nomination Predictions 

But, this post is about seeing whether we can group together and vote - it only takes 5minutes. Best bit, they will be announcing a raffle in January for all entries (last year it was more than £2000 of prizes)

Here's the Nomination Page - Category (11)




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last time i entered the AI one, it took almost 6months to get my 3rd place prize, i then had to spend more money for it to be legally under the limit!!....was over 370+ FPS!! 


done anyway ;)

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1 hour ago, Robert James said:

I voted for weaponscrate 


That's a cheap attempt to win AFUK's - 'most liked content of the day' :D 

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16 hours ago, proffrink said:

[weapon crates is] dead :( Maybe if we get it nominated it'll come back.


Maybe it's just tired and shagged out after a long scam?

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Gimmick? Maybe.. Entered regardless. 


Would be interesting to see where we place in this list. 

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