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Face Protection recomendations?

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My son & I are getting into Airsoft, tomorrow will be our 3rd skirmish and to date we have used the hire kit provided by the site.  I'd like to start investing in some of our own equipment, starting with face protection, so I'm looking for some recomendations.  I've heard that U18's will need full face protection, so ideally, recomendations for FF for the lad and seperate eye protection & face mask for me.

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Dye i4s are perfect for U18s. Have a search around the forum though - there's plenty of existing topics in regards to eyepro. 

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For full face, Dye brand paintball masks get good reports.


For separates, it's about finding the right fit and bear in mind fogging issues affect all eye-pro in differing levels for different people. I would say avoid mesh eye-pro, so any with high impact ratings that fit well would work.


I have ESS V12s, and a couple of variants of one piece goggles. The V12s are more like swim goggles and the one pieces like diving masks, both options work but the V12s are my go to.


In regards to lower face protection, again it's about fit, there are lots of options for half masks; quite a few people don't bother, where I use a combo of a mesh half mask and SACo neck tubes for comfort.

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Some sort of tigris style lower mesh & material mask.


Glasses and goggles can be hit n miss but do invest in them due to what your protecting. Personally I like Sawflys & Oakleys.

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14 minutes ago, Gepard said:

Dye i4s are perfect for U18s. Have a search around the forum though - there's plenty of existing topics in regards to eyepro. 

+1 to this.


Im a sweaty pig, and have never managed to fog it up. 


Not only that, took a 500fps sniper shot at 5m(apparent accidental fire), and apart from the shock it did no damage and I feel very safe in it.


Infact I’ll run straight into a CQB area in it with no fear of fully auto to the face.

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I agree with my esteemed colleages.


For clarity, "tigris" refers to One Tigris style mesh-and fabric masks.  This is their top-of-the range one with ear protection as well:




There are plenty of lower priced knock offs around.  Just ensure that you get one with two straps around the back, as it'll stay on much better.  There are also versions available in womxn / youth sizes.  Workmate Eddie bought one of those accidentally, but it turns out that they probably fit most humans better than the default / mansize version.


The reason for using a mix of mesh + fabric over full mesh is that it lets you get better cheek weld in order to look down the sights.



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18 hours ago, Crispy5449 said:

Had a good chat with a few people at todays skirmish and had a look at what they are using.  pretty much in sync with the advice above, so thanks everyone for the help.

Eyepro for you.



Bolle x800

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