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QD tracer for delta custom?

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Is there any QD tracer that fits into the end of the 416 delta custom flash hider, or will I have to change that too? 

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I have a G&G 416, but had to change the flashhider so I could use my Acetech Predator QD tracer.  You can buy the the Acetech tracer unit without the silencer shroud...maybe that might fit in a Delta's suppressor?

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The flash hider looks like a copy of the surefire but I don't think there's a can that fits straight on, shame really as TM missed a trick there, they did one for the devgru but as there wasnt one on the source picture i guess they didnt bother 😉

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There's plenty of cans out there for surefire flash hiders (most of which come with their own flash hider). Pick one that will fit an Acetech unit internally and you're golden!

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