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RifleWorks.co.uk - Impressed

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Just wanted to shout out about the brilliant service I received from RifleWorks.co.uk.  Very Impressed!!


Just bought myself UTG SCP-RD40RGW-A 3.8in RedGreenDot for £37 + £4.95 delivery, ordered Sunday (21/10/2018).  Got 2x SMS messages Sunday was packaged & ready to ship. 


Delivered today Tue (23/10/2018) packed very well as 1st Class Sign For.  They even had thrown in an extra CR2023 battery as well as the default 2x provided by UTG.  



UTG SCP-RD40RGW-A_3.8_RedGreenDot_20181023_131439.jpg

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7 hours ago, AndyDynamic said:

They've got an awesome range of stuff, nice find!


Even more impressive is chap personally called me to check i got my order.  Very impressed and definitely use them going forward.  To top it off he also and AirSoft player.

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Yeah i never heard about them before until recently when i was looking for a certain genuine Magpul Stock, Pistol Grip and Magpuls


Made an order but unfortunately the pistol grip which was shown instock wasn't and they quickly issued me a refund, amended their website and set what they did have out to me quick time.

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