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Zeadio 2-in-1 Cree Torch Owners? Lens measurement question.

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Hello all. 


I bought one of these on the recommendation of Duff. As hes no longer around, I was wondering can someone with one tell me what the measurement of the lens is across the widest part? Mine was shot out on it's first use and didn't notice it until months later. I can get replacement lens, just need to know what sort of size I need!




Cheers guys! 

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2 minutes ago, Tiercel said:

Why don't you just measure the hole..? 


Best/cheapest option would be a sheet of Polycarb and cut to the size you need. 30 seconds work with a Dremel.




I am not sure of the exact lens size, I can measure the hole, but the lens would have extended inside the casing otherwise it would have fallen out, but it wont go as far wide as the width of the casing. So I really couldn't get the exact size from just measuring the case or the hole. 


I don't have the skill, tools or time to do it myself. 

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Screw it. I sacrificed a Chinese takeaway box lid and fashioned my own temporary one for now. It has hardly dimmed the torch so should be good for at least a day 😉


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Nice bodge!  I would recommend getting a sheet of 2mm polycarbonate though.  You don't need power tools (although they help), you can cut it with a hacksaw and a file to neaten it up.  All of my torches and sights are now polycarb fronted, it's ace stuff.

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