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Glock 17/19

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19 mags are shorter. 


17 mags will fit in a 19 but not vice versa. 


19's are a compact model of the 17 but not to the point where they feel too small in a normal sized hand.


Performance wise with a 17 and a 19 from the same manufacturer there will be no difference. 

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I much prefer the feel of the 19 over the 17 (Tokyo Marui G19 can't come soon enough!), But I have small hands, so this is the reason why. Having said that, the 17 doesn't feel too large.


The 19 feels more planted in my hands, more pointable. 

The smaller mags are a problem, but it'll take the 17 mags and the 50 round long mags.


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I don't like the look of the 50 round mags, but with double the capacity they are more practical.




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