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Question regarding camo

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So ive recently bought a sniper, i usally run an mp5 or an m4 so my loudout is going to need updating. Ive bassicaly decided to make an entirely new loadout with an emphasis on mobility and concelment. I will be using a dpm smock during the winter and a green jacket (maybe pencott green zone mc tropic) during the summer with just a base colour set of Bdus. My issue is i cant decide between olive drab bdus or terea brown bdus. Has anyone gotany relevant experience with either colours? Are there othet colours im missing? I mostly play in English woodland hence the terra brown but the fiekds can be a little lush during the summer. Id love to know what others think. 

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Cadpat is definitely worth a look, I had someone effing because he didn't see me when I pinged him. 

As for a smock I don't have much experience, but an assault ghillie is worth a look if movement is a real issue, full smocks get very hot.


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Ive got a gorka E suit in digatal spectre which is borderline identical to cadpat. It works really well when im in real lush terain buti find i stand out too much anywhere else. I find unless its real hot smocks are alright temperature wise. Saying that, i too have been nailed by a guy in a cadpat jacket and jeans and didnt see him till i was practically stood on him walking back to respawn so it obviously works inthe right conditions.

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1 hour ago, TheFakeSlimShady said:

So ive recently bought a sniper, i usally run an mp5 or an m4 so my loudout is going to need updating. Ive bassicaly decided to make an entirely new loadout with an emphasis on mobility and concelment. I will be using a dpm smock during the winter and a green jacket (maybe pencott green zone mc tropic) during the summer with just a base colour set of Bdus. My issue is i cant decide between olive drab bdus or terea brown bdus. Has anyone gotany relevant experience with either colours? Are there othet colours im missing? I mostly play in English woodland hence the terra brown but the fiekds can be a little lush during the summer. Id love to know what others think. 

You might want to consider a PARTIZAN M camo suit it reversible so it can be used during summer time with lush vegetation, and in autumn when everything turns brown you can use it pretty much all year round. I personly use it and find it works well in the UK woodland environment.  https://grey-shop.ru/Camouflage/Russian-Sniper-Suits/Partizan-M

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Flecktarn - cheap, plentiful and incredibly effective. 

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15 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

Flecktarn - cheap, plentiful and incredibly effective. 


the master race of camo, the amount of "how the **** did he not see me!?" moments when wearing that stuff beggars belief....

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Basically go for any of the northern hemisphere countries camo and it’ll work (well that is were we are !😉) wether your going DPM/flectarn/cadpat/US woodland/etc/etc the list goes on and .

On the whole british outdoor sites are usually populated with darker denser colored flora so you get quite stark contrasts in light and dark hence those are the colours that work and you’d need most of the year . A lot of the modern ‘all things to everyone’ digital or ‘scientifically’ designed camo patterns are just a bit too light for the UK (seeing as most recent wars fought by the 1st world nations were in hot bright dusty 3rd world shitholes with quite muted colours on the whole so you understand why ?) there only working well at the moment due to the countryside being so bleached out as a result of the prolonged hot weather , but as we all know that’ll change soon and they’ll be back to being a wee bit too bright ! 🤦‍♂️


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I go back to my usual stance on airsofters and camo IE it doesn't matter.  You (probably) not a trained soldier, you will give your position away via one of the 7S (Shape, Shine, Silhouette, Sound, Shine etc etc) than you will because you are wearing a certain type of camo.  Just buy what you like the look of and forget about effectiveness.

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16 minutes ago, EvilMonkee said:

 (Shape, Shine, Silhouette, Sound, Shine etc etc)

You wear a lot of shiny kit in the field ? 😂😂😂😂

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1 hour ago, EvilMonkee said:

I go back to my usual stance on airsofters and camo IE it doesn't matter.  You (probably) not a trained soldier, you will give your position away via one of the 7S (Shape, Shine, Silhouette, Sound, Shine etc etc) than you will because you are wearing a certain type of camo.  Just buy what you like the look of and forget about effectiveness.



whilst that's a fair point to make, a good camo pattern is only going to make it easier for you to hide effectively, even unintentionally, than running around in mtp or black.


that said a mate of mine is so good at hiding he can hide in just plain od and do a spot of gardening 10' away from you and you'd never know (true story i shouted on him and he popped up holding a pair of secateurs)

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I genuinely never thought of flectarn. Im thinking a flecatarn loudout with a flectarn D ubac for the summer maybe. As far as hidinggoes, you dont need to be trained soildier to hide, hunters have been doing it for a very long time. Ive personally found dpm to be very effective ans never had any issues hiding as most players arent trained either. 

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3 hours ago, Druid799 said:

You wear a lot of shiny kit in the field ? 😂😂😂😂

Your face is shiny.  A gun can be shiny.  The sun can shine off your hands etc etc

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1 hour ago, EvilMonkee said:

Your face is shiny.  A gun can be shiny.  The sun can shine off your hands etc etc

Was having a chuckle with you over you listing shine twice 😉

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“But I see you're not standing in a bleedin' shadow, Perks, nor have you done anything to change your bleedin' shape, you're silhouetted against the bleedin' light and your sabre's shining like a diamond in a chimney-sweep's bleedin' ear'ole! Explain!"
"It's because of the one C, sarge!" said Polly, still staring straight ahead. 
"And that is?" 
"Colour, sarge! I'm wearing bleedin' red and white in a bleedin' grey forest, sarge!” 

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4 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Was having a chuckle with you over you listing shine twice 😉

Doh missed that

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Look at pics of your site, in summer and winter.


Pick a camo (or 2 maybe) that lines up, there are loads available pretty cheaply to provide a good match to anywhere you'll play airsoft.





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Yup Flecktarn.

I got my set from a Poland. They seems to have the best range of sizes available online atm.

Postage took about a week and is untracked.

The postage from this site is insane, but the base price of the gear means provided you put in a decent order it'll still be cheaper than a UK based company.

Prices are all in Zloty! There's about 5zl to £1.



This is a link with all the German army stuff. It's about 17 pages long. It's a little confusing because there are options for multiple items and singles. Sizes are all there. Most of the good stuff is right at the end but it's worth looking through every page.


Some of the prices are really good.

Like £6 for gloves.


And webbing sets for £8

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^jesus that's good.


its a thing i didn't know until i went there but until recently germany still had national service, and it's still voluntary (army service are 2 scary words to read in the google translate soup of a very official looking letter you've just got) so i guess that's why they have so much cheap surplus

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My next bit's of kit from that store will be a gortex wet suit. £24 lol. You can't make those prices up.


Or if you want ones that look brand new £44.



To put that into perspective the £24 ones are the equivalent of the £55 ones on Flecktarn uk.

Like I said the postage is the killer. At 196zl (£40) it's not cheap, but you can ship up to 15kg's at that price. So it's worth putting in the biggest order you can so the postage is absorbed. It doesn't take a massive order for it to be worth it.

I made the cost spread on my order by picking up loads of cheap extras.

G3 double mag pouches £2 (they were £1 when I put the order in) I added about 6 to my order. At £6 each on FUK that's a £24 saving
2 different hat styles £2 each at £11 each on FUK thats a £18 saving
Spare haversack £3.50 At £8.75 on FUK £5.25 saving.


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