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Hi all can anyone recommend a pair of gloves,looking to spend about 20 quid😊

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Mechanix best going for that kind of dosh , have loads of them in different styles and colours  ! 👍 

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+1 for Mechanix, I find them comfortable and not too thick.  Though mine are knock-offs, so a lot cheaper, and probably less quality (have had to do a bit of restiching after 3 games)

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+1 for Mechanix gloves


UK Tactical is my go to shop,  I have the M Pact ones which cost a little more.


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Loads of Oakley pilots gloves on the market atm, especially on eBay. I tried on the XXLs at the War and Peace Show last week and they fitted as they come up small. I do not have big hands. My Dad grabbed me a pair as I dithered and left without grabbing them and since regretted it. 


Mechanix gloves also great, as are Nomex pilot gloves for that old skool look. 

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Another vote for the Mechanix M-Pacts. Brilliant gloves.

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I have three pairs of Mechanix gloves so happy to endorse too. However, the Oakley gloves mentioned look cool AF tbh. 

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Thanks for the advice guys ordered some Mechanix Multi cam Gloves of Amazon for £15.90 👍👍👍

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7 hours ago, Dentonboy said:

Loads of Oakley pilots gloves on the market atm, especially on eBay. I tried on the XXLs at the War and Peace Show last week and they fitted as they come up small. I do not have big hands.

I’d say they were knock offs if the XXL’s were small fitting , I’v got big ass hands and the large are just ok in Oakley gloves and XL’s are a wee bit too big for me .

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Well, they were old Level Peaks Associates labelled stock and still sealed in bag, so I am going to stay on the side of legit atm @Druid799



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mechanix m-pacts for me as well.. I know when I buy the size that they are going to fit and not have to order a size larger due to chinese having smaller hands lol.

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Mechanix are great gloves, just be aware they aren’t fire retardant, not usually required but does have an added level of safety when using pyros. 

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4 minutes ago, YorkieT17 said:

Mechanix are great gloves, just be aware they aren’t fire retardant, not usually required but does have an added level of safety when using pyros. 

Very true but I’m of the opinion if you can manage to set fire to your self with pyro then you deserve to go up in smoke ! 😂😂😂 

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6 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Very true but I’m of the opinion if you can manage to set fire to your self with pyro then you deserve to go up in smoke ! 😂😂😂 


The sole reasdon I don't use pyro is because I don't want to find this out first hand.

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Very true, however QC is always a concern! As well as whether they were properly stored. Usually results in a ‘dud’ but like eyes you only have two hands and use them for pretty much everything.

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8 hours ago, YorkieT17 said:

Very true, however QC is always a concern! As well as whether they were properly stored. Usually results in a ‘dud’ but like eyes you only have two hands and use them for pretty much everything.

Again very true points , but do have to say (and have now jinxed my self and probably will blow my self up next game! 😫) 18yrs of playing only personally seen two players burn them selves with pyro ; 

First incident player had a smoke went to light it and lob it in to the cave building but then changed his mind and ???????

 stuck the smoke AND the loose striker in his back trouser pocket ! 😳

dont think I need to go any further needless to say shortly after we witnessed an Irishman run screaming across Dragon valley belching purple smoke and flames from his arse ! 🤣🤣

second incident , player sneaky sneaky up to a building gets up to the outer wall under a window gets a grenade out of his pouch , strikes it is about to lob it in then for what ever reason he CHANGES HIS MIND and goes to stick it through a different window but took so long dithering it went off in his hand ! 🤦‍♂️

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21 hours ago, YorkieT17 said:

Mechanix are great gloves, just be aware they aren’t fire retardant, not usually required but does have an added level of safety when using pyros. 


Even FR gloves won't save your hand if a MK5 goes off before you throw it.

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