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NBB gas pistols

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I have often wondered why these aren't more widely used by skirmishers.


They are much cheaper, less prone to malfunction, more accurate and more economical with gas.


People rave about the H&K mk23, its range and accracy etc, but seem to think itis the only NBB worthy of consideration.




Some of the other nbbs look good too. There's an Umarex Walther p99 for example at about 80 quid and a nice looking  Cybergun Sig 2025 and IMI Jericho with part metal externals which are even cheaper.




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Mainly blow back is much more fun. Practically the mk23 is huge so hard to holster. There can be power issues with NBB especially CO2 making them hot. also NBBs are practically double action so a trigger pull is chambering a BB cocking and releasing the striker which means a much heaver trigger pull which can get sore quite quickly. P99 NBB is a rebranded maruzen while it is a very nice gun there are no spares for it which can be said for most NBB. 

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Becuase they're boring to shoot in comparison, airsoft is 95% look and feel so most people go for something that recoils. There are so many gbbs that will still shoot great, be efficient and reliable that there's not a huge NBB market.


They have a place but for most people the appeal isn't as strong 

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gbb is just more cool, the bang and the kick being a major attraction.


nbb might well perform better in terms of accuracy and more importantly noise (or lack thereof) but that's not everything.


if it was only performance we were after we'd all be running some horrific paintball esque creation rather than realistic looking replicas.

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Apart from what's already been mentioned, that they're incredibly boring to shoot, there's also not much variety available. Whereas with GBB there's pretty much any gun you can imagine.


I used to have a TM colt python, as I love revolvers. It was the most boring gun I've ever used. Felt plasticy and cheap, only noise was the"click click click" of the hammer moving. It felt like a cheap seaside vendors 99p water pistol. Now compared to my hard kicking metal Glock which makes a Hella satisfying noise to fire too... It's a no brainer as to which one has the biggest grin factor. GBB is just much more fun and grin inducing to use. The TM FN 5.7 is also worthy of a mention as it can be ridiculously loud too. Using it in tight dark corridors in the Mall a few times I've heard people going "what the hell is that???" When they hear it firing

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There is something deeply satisfying about using Snake's silenced pistol to take out the bad guys though 😄 
The mk23 is, by far, my favourite pistol. I've had it commented on many times at the fields.
Mostly after people have been shot with it, wondering how I hit them at distance.
Sometimes I'll ditch my primary and just run pistol only.
Realism is lots of fun - I have a GBBR MWS for that - but hitting people is loads of fun too!

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