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Sector Velites shotguns

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I've never really been interested in shotguns but saw the Secutor Velites stuff online the other day and figured it'd be nice to try one (and breach various rooms of the house of course).

So, what's the deal on these? Look to be copies of the TM m870s as far as I can see, is that accurate, or are they a bit or completely different?


Has anyone had one or had a go with both to compare, is there any common issues with these and are they worth using? Are parts cross compatible etc?


Cheers for any help

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Oh no, is search broken ;)  I could only find this topic which may help.



Otherwise I would have to use this meme:



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33 minutes ago, Jedi_Master said:

Oh no, is search broken ;)  I could only find this topic which may help.



Thanks haha, didn't cross my mind for some reason 

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I ordered one of the VI about 4 months ago through the local shop, was leaking gas through the piston after the 2nd fill, only got about 3 shots out of it. took it back to the shop and they returned it to Sector for replacement. The new gun arrived about a week later, didn't even make it out of the shop before the same problem. 1 shot and the piston vented all the gas in the tube, stuck it in open and attempting to refill just vented the gas out the piston. 


Gave up after this and ordered an APS CAM 870, instead! The shop took it apart though and said the issue was the seals in the piston were normal o rings that ended up bone dry and not sealing. 


Speaking to the shop again last weekend apparently they recalled them all and replaced the o-rings with a fiber version that can't suffer the same issues and they've reported no issues since!


The gun felt otherwise well made, and the accessories alone are the price of the gun! I'd say give one a go just make sure it's one from the new batch! They're an exact clone of the TM, all part interchangeable as far as I know. the III and VI have the angry gun stock which is apparently more reliable than the gas 'mag' of the TM 870

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I had one for a week.. just don’t get shotguns at all. It was a beautiful thing, and very cool to operate, but it doesn’t have the range of an aeg, or the speed. It’s essentially a giant, springer pistol. 


Mine didnt leak or go wrong at all, but lacklustre performance saw me get rid of it. Only shot about 2 shells through it. 

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I have the Secutor Velites S-XI, It's currently awaiting repair with the distributor after refusing to cock with a mag full of bb's in after using it for about 2 hours in it's first skirmish, Would of rather had a refund than a repair but that wasn't an option apparently.



should probably add that I took it back to the shop 3 weeks ago roughly and it was sent to the distributor 2 weeks ago, and they're waiting for parts still.

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To be fair I know quite a few people with tm m870s that are happy with them and a mutual friend who likes his KSG. I don't think it's an issue with the technology being new, gas powered guns both NBB or blowback aren't anything new nor unproven technology, it's more a matter of quality and competence in design 

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Outplaying someone has nothing to do with the fact it was a shotgun. 


Look at the facts..

longer than most pistols/smgs

Slow to cycle in comparison to any other airsoft weapon you’d use in that situation

Reduced range.

small ammo capacity

slow reload


i could have given you a McDonald’s straw and a handful of .12’s.. if you get the drop on someone, you’ve won regardless

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I won't give him the traffic, but isn't the Secutor the shotgun that Novritsch dropped and it snapped clean in two at the stock?

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2 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

I won't give him the traffic, but isn't the Secutor the shotgun that Novritsch dropped and it snapped clean in two at the stock?

I dunno if that clown did that, but the stock is a weak point on them. They’re attached by a single, relatively thin bolt. It’s a real shame they’re not up to much, because to actually handle one, they’re really cool

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I know there's always a lot of to and fro over shotguns, If it was just a springer or even tri shot I probably wouldn't be convinced. the APS in CQB is pretty fun though just to run something different every so often. There's no real advantage especially with length over a rifle...the fold-able stock helps though but sending 15 bb's down a corridor is fun!


Outside though....don't even bother!!!

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2 hours ago, Wo1f said:

I dunno if that clown did that, but the stock is a weak point on them. They’re attached by a single, relatively thin bolt.


That was pretty much what he said when he looked at the remains.


I can't speak to the Secutor, but the TM M870 breacher gas shorty is hilarious and actually pretty effective in CQB. See Silver Fox's videos featuring it.  He sold it to pay for car repairs and had instant regrets.

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I’ve no doubt in my mind that the TM one is the best performing of the lot and will be really fun, but I don’t see any advantages using it over my mp7 for example. Half the size, lighter, more accurate, holds 40 shots per mag and can be changed in a secon, and shoots twice as far. 

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I doubt anyone is going to make the argument that a shotgun is the best solution for any problem. Although the ability to expose yourself and immediately ejaculate three times with one short tug can be handy in CQB.


I'd encourage anyone who's shotgun curious to have a look at Silver Fox's videos to see how effective a gas tri shot can be, and how surprisingly far away it can score hits even with a claimed 209fps and a fixed hop.


But it's the fun factor that counts.  Even my manual tri shot is a laugh to use, if not very practical.  At the end of the day, it's about happy memories, and a few satisfying hits with a clumsy weapon might bring more pleasure than easy kills with the perfect one (which is an MP5K, by the way, not the MP7. :P )



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YesI do love my gas shottie but mine’s a TM KSG NOT one of these .

I wasn’t particularly enamored with gas long guns my self but my two sons both love using shotguns so I bought them a KSG between them for Xmas and that was that , jump forward a couple of mths go to strike force in Gloucester and thought I’d take it with me to ‘give it a try’ but not expecting much .

Most of the morning I used my TM EBB socom , then late morning thought I’d give it a go ,,,,,,AND I never looked back ! It was amazing was absolutely racking up the kills with it and more than one players said to me it scared the s**t out of them when they heard it racking and firing ! I fell in love with it to the extent I bought another one for my self .

yes this most definitely hasn’t the range of an AEG (would have to be bit of a buffoon to think so) BUT in the right situation it’s so much better than one , example as I said a CQB site outstanding , black ops Cribbs down in the woods awesome on the open field areas useless , black ops Portishead very good , even though it’s a woodland site it’s a small compact site and a lot of the game play is very ‘up close and personal’ at times but again no use at all on the rugby field or in the very center of the site you just can’t engage at longer AEG ranges . So I say yes a good one (TM) is definitely worth the beer tokens in the right situation , in the same way pistols are amazing in a tight CQB site but would be crap on an outdoor site and a well set up sniper can rule an outdoor but would suck donkey dicks indoors .👍

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53 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:



But it's the fun factor that counts.  Even my manual tri shot is a laugh to use, if not very practical.  At the end of the day, it's about happy memories, and a few satisfying hits with a clumsy weapon might bring more pleasure than easy kills with the perfect one (which is an MP5K, by the way, not the MP7. :P )



I do love the mp5k. I want to pick one up eventually. From a gbbr standpoint, the mp7 is better in terms of reload speed, but I do miss that HK slap! 

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