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Pneumatic blowback?

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Of the kind found on LCT, G&G etc.


I know it can be disabled.




Why does it fail? Seals I suppose, but anything else?


When it fails does this render the gun inoperable or can you still fire it?


If you want a gun but are not bothered by blowback, and don't have the skill to disable it,  can you use it until it fails and then just continue to use it?

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5 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:


Why does it fail? Seals I suppose, but anything else?


When it fails does this render the gun inoperable or can you still fire it?


If you want a gun but are not bothered by blowback, and don't have the skill to disable it,  can you use it until it fails and then just continue to use it?


Yes, seals - it's usually done by tapping an amount of the air volume from the main cylinder to drive a slave cylinder that flaps the bolt cover back and forth.


Depending on how it fails it may still be usable but with a reduced FPS


Yes, use it until it breaks (but it doesn't very often in all honesty unless you get a lemon or a second hand gun that's been hamfistedly worked on)

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3 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:

Thanks a lot.


If you can get the same model of gun without pneumatic flappy rattley stuff, get it in preference! It just makes a load of noise and very little else.

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i've literally spent today taking the blowback off my aksu (not even pneumatic) because i know it'll break at some point.


the pneumatic system has a tiny piston above the gearbox that's fed by a vent through to the main cylinder, you get any leaks in either the smaller piston or in the seal between the 2 and it'll mess with your fps (and by extension range/accuracy), as lozart says if there's a non-blowback version then that'd be preferable for reliability and performance.


it'd still be usable if it breaks, and you can convert to non blowback by cracking open the gearbox and replacing the cylinder with a regular one (some dremeling may be required to remove the alignment pins in the shell) 

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