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gear for KSG and HK416

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Been skirmishing recently and trying to see what sights and grips would work best with a KSG-12 and a HK-416 I was thinking of a Eotech style holo sight or a wide relief reflex sight.  I'm also interested in getting a Bison 701 for a sniper. It looks like it has a functional side rail would that be of any use?

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I run a Chinese clone 556 on my KSG and I have used it a few times on my 416D looks and works fine on both . The side rail is to mount the dedicated SVD scope too it .



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Forgot about the dedicated PSO's you can get for SVD's The Bison is just a cheap one. since im a newbie i don't want to spend lots like i did 10 years back with an AUG A1 only to find they didnt work on arrival.. and no recalls for faulty stuff if its sprayed in two tone. CA AUG's had a feeding issue and i got stuck with a bad one.

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I have seen a few ‘normal’ ris rails on a vertical arm that clips on the svd side rail .

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