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Which GBB Uzi is best? Looking for high ROF and decent performance. Reliability is a must, and it would be nice if it could run off green gas or Co2, not 144a. Don''t mind which Uzi type, standard or micro or mini. 

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My mate has the KWA GBB M11A1 and it feels so fucking gangsta to spray. Kicks like a mother too!


Only uzi I've tried though I might add.

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I had a KWC Mini Uzi but it was super hot out of the box with CO2. It was pretty good fun and if it can handle high fps then it should be pretty reliable at lower fps.


I've not tried the old Maruzen Micro Uzi but I think one would be hard to find and if I recall, a bit lame.


Can't think of any other GBB Uzis, unless you'd class Mac-11's and TMP's as an "Uzi"

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On 6/3/2018 at 2:01 PM, Duff said:

My mate has the KWA GBB M11A1 and it feels so fucking gangsta to spray. Kicks like a mother too!


Only uzi I've tried though I might add.


Not an Uzi though...

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8 minutes ago, Lozart said:


Not an Uzi though...


Yeah but like many of its kind it's based upon it.

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15 minutes ago, Duff said:


Yeah but like many of its kind it's based upon it.


It's similar but I think it's a stretch to say "based on", rather more "inspired by". The Uzi is a submachine gun but the MAC 10/11 are machine pistols. Best quote about the Ingram -  "fit only for combat in a phone booth".

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Hi, not looked in for a while due to not having had much time to play. I have a KWC Mini Uzi, as Giraffe says its way too hot out of the box and needs a more restrictive floating valve, I fettled mine to be sub 350fps. I'm sure I read ages ago someone in the UK was doing one but can't remember who. The 40rd mags are heavy, expensive and fairly rare. And ideally you need lots!


But unbeatable burst fire grin factor!  :-)

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