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best mags for M4 / Ar platforms?

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Hi peeps just looking for some advice, I would like to know what are the best magazines out there for the m4/AR platforms, does this depend on which brand of gun you own or.? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


Thanks everyone.



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G&G, G&P, MAG, ICS & PTS are stuff I've been using in my M4

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Mainly depends on your hop chamber and receiver..

I have 2 Ares Amoebas, they take different magazines though..

One takes Lonex flash mags, G&G midcaps, Ares Amoeba high caps and a battleaxe electric mag, the other one for some reason takes only the lonex ones and the midcaps..

They have the same stock hop chamber and the receivers have the same measures..



As far as my experience with magazines goes, the best ones I've found so far are the lonex flash ones, followed by G&G 120bb midcaps..

I tried a lot of cheap high caps and while they all worked with my old ics m4, none of them feeds properly (or at all) on my amoebas 

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If you have a TM gun, then I would recommend just sticking to their own branded magazines.  The TM HK 416 can have an adaptor for using other brand magazines.

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Personally i just use the cheap plastic midcaps. It might be an unpopular opinion but i dont like pmags, and i preferr to have the thing im most likely to lose be the cheapest it can be.


I do have feeding issues on my 20 rounders (well, 130 round but theyre the short vietnam style mags) but i've a wee widget made from some copper pipe that lets me down-load them by 10 rounds a pop, i find about 20 below absolutely full seems to be the sweet spot for perfect feeding.


For reference this is for my f2000 and my what was once a king arms m4, although internally its not been king arms for a loooong time. The f2000 wont take a pmag, but fits the usgi style mags really well.

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Highest quality mid-caps have been PTS for yeeeeeears.  Current EPMs are at least as tough if not tougher than the old PMAG replicas.  Ran over one with my car (deliberately) and it didn't flinch, just barely got scuffed.


MAG always used to be the best build quality and reliability for boxes of cheap mids but I'm not sure if they're easy to get hold of anymore.

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I swear by classic army metal mids 120rds and they feed floorless in all my STANAG guns . 

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I'd echo what CKinnerley said, PTS if you can afford them or MAG if you can find them. 


I've had some king arms ones in the past, they were pretty good, not sure if they're even around anymore though 

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8 hours ago, Druid799 said:

I swear by classic army metal mids 120rds and they feed flourless in all my STANAG guns . 


Why do you have something against puffs of white smoke?


OT- I have MAG mags they're pretty sturdy even though completely plastic. 


Got my eye on these atm they look sexy asf.


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8 hours ago, Druid799 said:

I swear by classic army metal mids 120rds and they feed flourless in all my STANAG guns . 


That Gluten free Airsoft experience ^_^

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Yuk ! fecking yuk ! 😳I LOVE iPad auto correct, said no one ever ! 🤦‍♂️


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