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What the fluck is that gun !

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Came across this ‘little gem’ on zero , I’m sure the owner is happy with it and I’m certainly not going to bag on it as it did make me chuckle , BUT i did think “what the fluck is that !” As I’m sure would 90% of players when seen for the first time ! 

Hence new thread , SO let’s see all your monstrosity’s , brain fart , seemed like a good idea at the time and generally batshit crazy guns ! 😁




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2 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Came across this ‘little gem’ on zero , I’m sure the owner is happy with it and I’m certainly not going to bag on it as it did make me chuckle , BUT i did think “what the fluck is that !” As I’m sure would 90% of players when seen for the first time ! 

Hence new thread , SO let’s see all your monstrosity’s , brain fart , seemed like a good idea at the time and generally batshit crazy guns ! 😁




It's just a Krytac pdw with too many bolt ons. Lovely gun stupid telescope.

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People usually object strongly to the use of an AR rail, barrel and gas system.  Also the total uselessness of the rear iron sight.  The funnier thing is I built it purely to troll a couple of people who used to be on Arnies and it's not exactly suitable for usage; the side optic rail is super glued on, the tacticool mag catch button was so bad and cheap it'd pretty much fall off every time you released a mag to reload and the selector screw would work its' way out every time you changed between safe, auto and rep.

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