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EXTREME(-ly stupid) Pistol Loadouts

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Enough is never enough. Lets see those wonderful, wacky and downright weird pistol combos up in here! Try and come up with names for them as well.


I introduce, the Conflicted Noise P229 (Loud And Quite)



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See.. that serves a purpose for me. If it had an egg whisk on it as an attachment I'd agree it was stupid. But I personally feel like I could use that in a game.

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2 hours ago, Duff said:

See.. that serves a purpose for me. If it had an egg whisk on it as an attachment I'd agree it was stupid. But I personally feel like I could use that in a game.

It would be fun, yes, but it's cumbersome as hell. It's got the weight of a rifle but all located in front of your hand.

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1 minute ago, Monkman said:

I needed help with my pistol aim..in the dark!




lol, i did exactly this to the sig the other day and sent it to a friend, it's weird how this thread cropped up the next day :D

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