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Could anyone tell me what real gun this is based on?

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And I’d just like to add the Jing Gong is an absolute corker ! 

Im a real sucker for 7.62 based AEG’s (hence I have 7!) I had TG down grade it for me and it’s still got a lovely range and a very snappy rate of fire out of the box . 

Another nice thing is as it is a sold stock you can shove any battery you like right up main street ! 

Only real down side is the mags , JG only make Hi-caps for it , it does take CA mags but A, the mids are rarer than hens teeth and B, there bloody expensive to boot !

But all is not lost I work around the problem and came up with a solution  . i bought half a dozen JG hi’s (cheap as chips again on TG) I opened them up cut away all the feed gubbins in side , but did leave about an 1inch or so of the feed tube and  a ‘back strap’ with the little base screw in it . 

Then I took some plastic VN mids and spent a fair bit of time grinding them down till they fitted inside the hi-cap shells , invert the stub of Hi feed tube in too the VN feed hole load of epoxy and job done mids are a go ! 

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Thanks for the replies.


I must say I do like the look of the gun. So it was good to hear from an owner who is very happy with it.


JG do make one or two very attractive guns for the price. I'm still a big fan of the G36c which I have used twice as a hire gun. And the Aug gets good reviews too.


I also like the look of some the the JG G3 variants - the carbines and subcarbines.


Is it just their AKs and M4s that are not well regarded?

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I also had one of there Aug’s and again a cracking gun (only gave out when my son fell on it at speed ! R.I.P) highly recommend them as well .

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