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Alpha 55

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I'm surprised nobody has reviewed this site yet. It's a bloody good one! 


North Wales, woodland based. Fair number of structures, fallen trees, vehicles etc to take cover behind. Indoor and Outdoors play.


Games are varied. 


 Prices are fair, staff are friendly and the games are fun. Every time I've been I've had a blast. 


Entry fees are £30 for non members or £20 for members. Regardless of whether you're renting or not the price is all inclusive. You''ll get your gun, some overalls and face pro as standard.


They have a food trailer for food and drinks. 


Games are every weekend, and if there's enough support they'll do weekdays too. Turnout varies. Usually about 30 people. Social days can go upwards of 150, which they do multiple times a year. Events such as milsims are also dotted throughout the year. 


Raffles are also present. You can win yourself guns, gear, free games and more. You get lots of opportunities to win a free game by being active on their Facebook page, on your Birthday. Play a game at the end of the year and the first game at the start is free among other things. 


Photographers are present. They've taken some really nice shots this year. 


If you're in the area I definitely recommend giving it a go - Especially during one of their socials.



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