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Tracking a member from another forum

urban spec-ops
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Ok trying to track down a member of another forum that went down recently ( dont want to say forum name incase its not allowed ) was having a conversation regarding some bits n pieces he has i need.


Now as that forum has gone into meltdown for goodness knows how long i cant get hold of them and need to hopefully get an email or something, his user name was GhostofGreen


I have tried to search his name on here but nothing seems to match... any help would be appreciated


Many thanks



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cant see why you cant mention the forum, we all know how much Zeros has gone up and down recently with many new members here now.:)


i guess the only way would be someone who knew the person on here see's this topic and lets them know....

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If you are on Facebook, post in some of the air soft communities and I dare say someone will see it and point you in the right direction.  

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Ok it seems his email may not be hia latest one as he has yet to reply and i remember on zeroin he was quite quick... anyone else have another email i can try or is he on here as a different user name


Many thanks again



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