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First gun, need some advice!

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Hey everyone! 


Been getting into airsoft in a big way recently, I went a few times to ensure that it was a hobby I wanted to continue and have decided to buy my own gun.


My requirements are:

- Not an M4 (everyone has one)

- £150 budget (gun only)

- Want to use a decent scope (not red dot or holo), vertical fore grip, and a suppressor.


I’ve been looking at either a JG G36C or Umarex UMP but i’m unsure as to what is good.


Can anyone advise? 

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I agree that M4's are very prevalent in Airsoft (I have one!), but there are so many variations and upgrade options it's pretty easy to personalise the AEG so it stands out. 


Budget of course dictates your choice... But most people would agree with TM as a brand of choice, if only on the grounds of proven performance and reliability


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Personally I’d always recommend an ICS sportline m4 as a starter gun, but out of the two, I’d definitely pick the jg g36c. My brother has one and it’s been flawless every game. 

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Cyma AK or put a few more quid up and buy a new TM AEG from somewhere like Fire Support. 

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Having looked at the prices, there’s no chance I could afford a Tokyo Marui.

I’ve had a look on Patrolbase and there’s a lot of different CYMA models of AK. Is there a specific model which is recommended?

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4 hours ago, Hoozy said:

The aug looks fantastic actually, do you have any experience with one? Accurate at long ranges, reliability etc?

Don't worry about performances in the meantime as most stock guns will perform on the field. Plus most people will upgrade eventually sooner or later and it isn't too expensive to the change the barrel and hop. 


Just get what looks good to you.

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