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Meet "Punishment" Newest member of the Family

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Say hello to my little friend. This is "Punishment"


This is the 6mm ProShop M200. 17 lbs of awesomeness. Going to be putting "Punishment" through her paces this Sunday Feb. 11th. I started off airsofting about 15-16 years ago and bought myself a Swiss Arms sniper rifle, and did more "Ground Pounder" roles as I got more into airsoft, but now I've decided to go back to the role of sniping. 

The M200 I bought yesterday, and will be my primary rifle except for fields where I can't snipe and when I'm doing CQB I'll be using my Robinson Arms XCR. 

Where's my fellow snipers out there?



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>Naming your gun

>Referring to your gun as a "Her" or "she"


You're not from the UK, are you? ;) (Though the orange tip is the first give away)

Welcome though! It's a lovely looking toy gun.


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1 minute ago, L3wisD said:

>Naming your gun

>Referring to your gun as a "Her" or "she"


You're not from the UK, are you? ;) (Though the orange tip is the first give away)

Welcome though! It's a lovely looking toy gun.



Nova Scotia, Canada. The orange tip shows that this gun was imported from the United States. I'm going to be repainting the orange shortly. And as for the "her" "she...Old habits die hard. I'm ex Royal Canadian Navy and we referred to our ships as "her". 

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1 minute ago, L3wisD said:

Nah that's fair enough :) only pulling your plonker.


What's the airsoft scene like in Canada?


Haha. Its all good :D lol. 

Airsoft here is expensive as sh*t. The M200 cost me almost 900 dollars. The airsoft scene here is pretty well developed. Here in Nova Scotia there's like 6-7 groups. We all meet up for huge games and randomly throughout the year for skirmishes and battles. We have everything from the n00b airsofter to the ex/currently military guys who go all out with the best gear. We had local police show up at a game one day and the officer actually thought airsoft was pretty neat and wanted to get some of his cop friends together to make a team and join us. 

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1 hour ago, Rockstar said:


Haha. Its all good :D lol. 

Airsoft here is expensive as sh*t. The M200 cost me almost 900 dollars. The airsoft scene here is pretty well developed. Here in Nova Scotia there's like 6-7 groups. We all meet up for huge games and randomly throughout the year for skirmishes and battles. We have everything from the n00b airsofter to the ex/currently military guys who go all out with the best gear. We had local police show up at a game one day and the officer actually thought airsoft was pretty neat and wanted to get some of his cop friends together to make a team and join us. 

Your police sound great fun. If our police came across an airsoft game, they'd probably seize and destroy all our gear despite them being legal, then say it was because of "procedure". And if you argue, they'd slam you with a public order offence.

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On ‎2018‎-‎02‎-‎04 at 4:13 AM, Jedi_Master said:

Welcome :).


7 minutes ago, AshOnSnow said:

Your police sound great fun. If our police came across an airsoft game, they'd probably seize and destroy all our gear despite them being legal, then say it was because of "procedure". And if you argue, they'd slam you with a public order offence.


The group I mostly play with plays on my friend's private property, he owns his own island. The local police know our playing schedules and times. Has everything marked off, no trespassing signs. They are cool as hell with it and as long as we don't cause parking problems we're golden. 

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Just now, Rockstar said:



The group I mostly play with plays on my friend's private property, he owns his own island. The local police know our playing schedules and times. Has everything marked off, no trespassing signs. They are cool as hell with it and as long as we don't cause parking problems we're golden. 

Damn you wouldn't be allowed to do that here. Against health and safety rules, you'll need to pay for public liability insurance before you can do so much as throw a popcorn party.

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Just now, AshOnSnow said:

Damn you wouldn't be allowed to do that here. Against health and safety rules, you'll need to pay for public liability insurance before you can do so much as throw a popcorn party.

Daaaaaamn...That's heart breaking. 




This is our airsoft group. There is also Airsoft Nova Scotia and a bunch of other groups. 

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53 minutes ago, Rockstar said:

Daaaaaamn...That's heart breaking. 




This is our airsoft group. There is also Airsoft Nova Scotia and a bunch of other groups. 

That looks epic. The UK stupidly strict on health and safety - universities banned throwing mortarboard hats at graduations because of "risk of injury when they fall back down", train ticket inspectors aren't allowed to clip tickets because it presented a risk of repetitive strain injury, schools have banned kids from playing with conkers in playgrounds because they "too dangerous", and postmen aren't allowed to walk down certain streets in case they "trip on an uneven pavement".

The common phrase that's used here is health and safety gone mad. Just another way for the authorities to crack down hard on an ancient state of mind that the older generations refer to as "fun".

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37 minutes ago, AshOnSnow said:

That looks epic. The UK stupidly strict on health and safety - universities banned throwing mortarboard hats at graduations because of "risk of injury when they fall back down", train ticket inspectors aren't allowed to clip tickets because it presented a risk of repetitive strain injury, schools have banned kids from playing with conkers in playgrounds because they "too dangerous", and postmen aren't allowed to walk down certain streets in case they "trip on an uneven pavement".

The common phrase that's used here is health and safety gone mad. Just another way for the authorities to crack down hard on an ancient state of mind that the older generations refer to as "fun".

Wow..........That is just...wow. But I gotta ask. What are conkers? 

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19 minutes ago, Rockstar said:

Wow..........That is just...wow. But I gotta ask. What are conkers? 


Horse chestnuts ;) 


Thread them on a string and use yours to bash an opponents, first one to make the other smashed enough to fall of the string loses..




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1 hour ago, AshOnSnow said:

That looks epic. The UK stupidly strict on health and safety - universities banned throwing mortarboard hats at graduations because of "risk of injury when they fall back down", train ticket inspectors aren't allowed to clip tickets because it presented a risk of repetitive strain injury, schools have banned kids from playing with conkers in playgrounds because they "too dangerous", and postmen aren't allowed to walk down certain streets in case they "trip on an uneven pavement".

The common phrase that's used here is health and safety gone mad. Just another way for the authorities to crack down hard on an ancient state of mind that the older generations refer to as "fun".


The vast majority of "health and safety gone mad" stories are media bullshit. All the ones you mentioned were to prevent injury claims and pushing up premiums, nothing to do with health and safety at all.


As far as airsoft goes, you would only need PL insurance if you were charging for people to play.

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10 minutes ago, Lozart said:


The vast majority of "health and safety gone mad" stories are media bullshit. All the ones you mentioned were to prevent injury claims and pushing up premiums, nothing to do with health and safety at all.


As far as airsoft goes, you would only need PL insurance if you were charging for people to play.


Haha try telling that to the bobby who turns up and asks why you're running around with guns in a field ;)

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11 minutes ago, AshOnSnow said:


Haha try telling that to the bobby who turns up and asks why you're running around with guns in a field ;)


He wouldn't care about insurance OR Health and Safety just whether or not you had permission and aren't breaking the law!

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Just now, Lozart said:


He wouldn't care about insurance OR Health and Safety just whether or not you had permission and aren't breaking the law!

You obviously haven't met Bedfordshire Police who like to make a point wherever possible lol. I got shouted at by a copper for standing on my front wall taking photos of the sunset.

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Just now, AshOnSnow said:

You obviously haven't met Bedfordshire Police who like to make a point wherever possible lol. I got shouted at by a copper for standing on my front wall taking photos of the sunset.


Did you have your cock out?

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Just now, Lozart said:


Did you have your cock out?

No that's only on Wednesdays

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