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Secutor Velites..... any good?

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14 hours ago, FilthyCasual said:

does anyone know if a secutor gii pistol grip would be compatible with a tm m870 tactical


Dunno, sorry.  I am interested in hearing if you're intending to swap a working G-II grip onto a broken TM, or the other way around.


I'm notionally interested in getting a G-II (if another shipment ever arrives in Europe) but not if they've got endemic problems.

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Best of luck, I've been waiting months for an EU restock.  I guess if you can find a Chinaseller flogging just the grips then it might be viable to import.

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On 21/01/2018 at 19:32, DarkAssassin said:

I was looking to get the red A.P.S shotgun then I found the Salient Arms one.


It is incredible the realistic loading of the shells into the gun and that pump is crazy satisfying. There is also something exciting about loading mid battle!!


Also got the matching SAI pistol.



I was trying to price one of these up yesterday but couldn't find them anywhere!  Salient's websites are down apparently.  I love the idea of them but not sure I could afford one... I can dream though!

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1 hour ago, RogueWraith909 said:


I was trying to price one of these up yesterday but couldn't find them anywhere!  Salient's websites are down apparently.  I love the idea of them but not sure I could afford one... I can dream though!

You can find them on Zero One as a special order item. And yes they are worth the money.


They're on gen 2 now which has a gasable bolt, mine has the gasable shells which takes a little while to sort out, but I still love it.



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On 18/02/2019 at 17:05, DarkAssassin said:

You can find them on Zero One as a special order item. And yes they are worth the money.


They're on gen 2 now which has a gasable bolt, mine has the gasable shells which takes a little while to sort out, but I still love it.




Awesome!  Thanks for the link!  Now to try and save up the £600+ they cost... :)

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