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The Last Jedi

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I have just watched The Last Jedi and thoroughly enjoyed the film. The plot is simple, there is plenty of action, and it not as dark as Star Wars Part V.


Going during the day when the kids are in school is always the best option, allows Star Wars fans to relax without any of the usual distracting coughing, talking, or sweet eating to spoil it.

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4 hours ago, Immortal said:

At least a dressing gown of sorts


Funnily enough I do have a Jedi bath robe :lol:

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52 minutes ago, Robert James said:

unfortunately the film was spoiled for me by someone on Facebook 


Another good reason not to do f-book

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No sure what there was to spoil to be honest, I (and mates) were quite dissapointed. It was underwhelming. The action was good and it was a beautiful film visually!! But I felt certain deaths were pretty poor, and certain questions were not answered and if they were there were no surprises...


That being said I am going to watch it again after the new year and things my click into place better for me, but I did find TFA a better film even if its not one of the top three SW films for me...



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Just watched it today at Vue. £3.99 for my ticket. Great value for money!


Unfortunately the c*nt in front of me couldn't resist picking up his phone every 15m to check his dumb texts and Facebook feed and had his screen on full brightness. :angry:

The guy two seats next to me wouldn't stop bouncing his damn legs which kept moving the entire row. <_<


As for the film I thought it was pretty slow for the first quarter but after that the pace really picked up and didn't stop for 2 hours. Good film. Might have to see it again haha! :lol:

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