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Does anyone own a NUPROL BOCCA Series One Rail 7''

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I'm trying to build my front end to look similar to a honey badger, with a suppressor coming out from inside the rail.


My suppressor is 30mm diameter, and after lots of searching I can't find anywhere that lists the internal diameter of NUPROL BOCCA Series One  Rail 7''. 


Does anybody have one- and access to a tape measure to check for me?





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I bought a brand new 10" one in dark bronze last night at a local boot sale for my Raider-L, along with an outer barrel, maple leaf buck, tight bore and some flip up sights. I already have a Bocca suppressor so quite keen to see how it looks and shoots once all on.


I will measure it up against my suppressor for you when i get home and post a picture if you like?

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