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PISTOLS ? Hk help!

In-land airsofter
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Hi guys and girls, I was wondering if anyone could give me some help with pistol advice?. I’m looking for a pistol and I have settled on Umarex. I’m torn between wether to get the Umarex HK45 or the Umarex VP9 or to wait for the Umarex HK usp to come back in stock. Any help would be appreciated and I’m only interested in performance at the moment. Thanks guys. 


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Well it depends - out of the HK45, VP9 and USP, which one's your favourite? :P

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I owned the kwa/umarex usp 45 and was really nice pistol to shoot was pretty accurate with 0.30g and the gas efficiency was amazing with the ns2 system only downside was the recoil was not satisfying enough for me but simple uprated recoil spring easy

and was on the large side 

but a very nice gun to play with wish I never sold it   

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AshOnSnow I like them all equally to be honest, would get them all if I could. However I just wondered if anybody had any gripes or issues with each model. 

Alex90 I really like the USP but its out of stock everywhere! and I'm pretty impatient. Thanks for your comments guys.

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